the power of brand

Your brand is (or should be) your greatest marketing tool. It is more than just your logo – it is the tone of your email subject line, the user experience on your website, your product reviews, and more.

Together, all of these things form your brand’s reputation. Effective branding gets your business noticed and keeps happy customers coming back. But, if done poorly, your brand won’t be memorable enough to attract or retain anyone.

So – what makes a brand awesome?


make your value clear with assertive tone and the boldness to stand out; know who you are and shout it!



set audience expectations and foster brand memorability by practicing consistency across all graphics and messaging

why funkhouse?

funky² /ˈfəNGkē/
2. modern and stylish in an unconventional or striking way

I help clients strike the balance between looking cool and communicating effectively. Together, we’ll develop a mutual understanding of your core brand, which acts as the foundation of every design and word choice. This approach ensures your marketing doesn’t just look great, but also truly represents who you are and what you want to say.

I work best with clients who are eager to explore new ideas and flaunt their uniqueness. I’ll encourage you to experiment when appropriate, while also lending a guiding hand through design and messaging best practices.


  • Brand Development + Guidelines
  • Logo Design
  • Website Design (no-code)
  • Art + Illustration
  • Event Branding + Promotion
  • Print Formatting
  • Swag + Merch
  • Posters
  • Messaging + Copywriting
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • Email + Social Templates
  • Presentations
  • Portfolio Organization + Layout
  • Large Scale Signage + Murals
  • Album + Book Covers
  • Photo + Video Editing

and more – just ask!

let's get funky